
  • Pythons: Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, PyPy3

  • Platforms: Unix/POSIX and Windows

  • PyPI package name: altwalker




On Windows, make sure you add Python and Python Scripts in the Path from System Variables:

  • C:\Python<version>\ (e.g., C:\Python39\)

  • C:\Python<version>\Scripts\ (e.g., C:\Python39\Scripts\)

And your local Python Scripts directory in the Path from User Variables:

  • C:\Users\<user-name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python<version>\Scripts\

Install AltWalker#

To install altwalker run the following command in your command line:

pip install -U altwalker

Alternatively, if you have multiple Python versions installed, you can use the following command to specify the Python version:

python<version> -m pip install -U altwalker

To check that you have installed the correct version of AltWalker, run the following command:

$ altwalker --version
AltWalker, version 0.4.0

Living on the edge#

If you want to work with the latest code before it’s released, install or update the code from the develop branch:

pip install -U git+

Install .NET Core (Optional)#

.NET Core is required by AltWalker when you want to write your tests in a .NET supported language.

  • Install .NET Core Runtime - enables AltWalker to execute compiled tests. Preferred in production environment.

  • Install .NET Core SDK - enables AltWalker to use dotnet to compile and run your tests. Preferred in development environment.

The dotnet command needs to be available under /usr/bin/dotnet. Installing .NET Core with snap makes the dotnet command available under a different path. In this case create a symbolic link:

ln -s /path/to/dotnet /usr/bin/dotnet

Install GraphWalker (Optional)#

AltWalker includes a pre-installed version of GraphWalker. If you prefer to use a different version of GraphWalker, please refer to the Install GraphWalker CLI guide.