
Are you eager to get started with AltWalker? This page provides a good introduction to the framework. It assumes that you have already installed AltWalker. If you haven’t, head over to the Installation section.

In this section, you will learn how to create a new project from scratch or existing models, validate your models, validate your code, and run your tests with AltWalker.

Create a New Project#

You can use the init command to create a new project.

The init command creates a project directory and initializes a git repository. The project contains a sample model (models/default.json) to help you get started, and a test package containing the template code for the model (tests/).

$ altwalker init -l python test-project

Using the -l python option generates a Python package containing the template code for the model (tests/).

├── models/
│   ├── default.json
└── tests/
    ├── __init__.py
    └── test.py
$ altwalker init -l dotnet test-project

Using the -l dotnet option generates a .NET/C# project referring to AltWalker.Executor from Nuget, a class for the model, and Program.cs.

├── models/
│   ├── default.json
└── tests/
    ├── Program.cs
    └── tests.csproj

Program.cs contains the entry point of the tests and starts the ExecutorService.

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        ExecutorService service = new ExecutorService();


If you don’t want the init command to initialize a git repository, use the --no-git option.

To run the tests for the default.json model, run the following command:

cd test-project
altwalker online tests -m models/default.json "random(edge_coverage(100))"
cd test-project
altwalker online -l dotnet tests -m models/default.json "random(edge_coverage(100))"

The above command runs the tests found within the tests/ folder, based on the model defined in default.json and using the random(edge_coverage(100)) stop condition.

Create a Project from Existing Models#

You can use the init command to create a new project from existing models.

The init command creates a project directory with your model(s), generates the code template for the model(s), and initialize a git repository.

To generate a project, replace path/to/model-name.json and run the following command:

altwalker init -l python test-project -m path/to/model-name.json
altwalker init -l dotnet test-project -m path/to/model-name.json


You can call the init command with multiple models.

To run the tests for the your model, replace model-name.json with the name of you model file and run the following command:

cd test-project
altwalker online tests -m models/model-name.json "random(edge_coverage(100))"
cd test-project
altwalker online -l dotnet tests -m models/model-name.json "random(edge_coverage(100))"

The above command runs the tests found within the tests/ folder, based on the model defined in models/model-name.json and using the random(edge_coverage(100)) stop condition.

Check your models#

You can use the check command to check your models for issues. This command can detect errors, deadlocks, unreachable states, and other model issues.

altwalker check -m models/model-name.json "random(never)"

Verify your code#

You can use the verify command to check your code against the models for issues. This command can detect syntax errors, missing classes or methods, and other issues in your code.

altwalker verify tests -l python -m models/model-name.json
altwalker verify tests -l dotnet -m models/model-name.json

Run your tests#

You can use the online command to run your tests based on the model defined in your project.

altwalker online tests -m models/default.json "random(edge_coverage(100))"
altwalker online -l dotnet tests -m models/default.json "random(edge_coverage(100))"